Monday 6 June 2011

The Simplest Way to Get Ready to Wax at Home

You look down and realize the moment has arrived. There has been uncontrolled growth in the panty area, armpits and on the legs and it's time to get you wax at home kit out. Although it's got to be done you aren't particularly looking forward to it, so here are a few ideas on how to wax at home effectively.

1. Check you have the right amount of wax. You don't want to get halfway down you leg and then realise you have run out.

2. Is the hair long enough for your wax to get to grips with. It's always a bit tempting to wax too early, in particular if you have got a special night out or you are planning on hitting the beach wearing your latest swimsuit. Don't! You regret it when you see the results.

3. To reduce ingrown hairs, exfoliate two or three days before.

4. Be sure that the area is clean and that you have wiped off all remains of creams and / or deodorants.

5. Apply a numbing spray or numbing cream. They are not necessary but will make waxing at home a bit more comfortable.

6. With warm wax, be sure you allow it to cool down adequately before applying it and dab a bit on your hand to check the temperature before applying it to more sensitive areas.

7.This maybe drastic but still reasonable, particularly for anyone who is a novice to waxing at home. Think about taking a painkiller as it will ease any pain a little.

8. Lastly, breathe in deeply and immediately put your hand on the treated area as soon as you have ripped the hair away. It really does help.

If you are interested in finding out more about waxing at home, check out Bikini Waxing, a site dedicated to providing advice and information on wax at home hair removal.

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